About Photography Books II PDF
Written by Pedro Meyer   


(this article contains a free gift)


Raúl Ortega © 2002


We are about to close another tumultuous year, this time with a war in Iraq looming over our heads, according to the designs of the President sitting in the White House. It is anyone’s guess what the outcome will be. It can go anywhere from a short war to a major catastrophe involving the entire Middle East. At present, the United States is desperately trying to find an excuse to attack Iraq. We know from our history books, how many times such excuses were simply fabricated to fit into the designs of those who wanted to enact war. I hardly believe this time will be any different.


There is a saying, in reference to surgeons, that “if you have a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail.” I would imagine that the only remaining military super power on earth, with a military budget that exceeds the military expenditures of all nations in the world combined, finds it very tempting to have themselves a war that allows for the testing of all kinds of new armaments together with a new strategy called preemptive attacks. I am clear that testing armaments alone, would not suffice as a reason for an attack, but it certainly is no deterrent to those in power to know the military power that is at their disposal.


While the world at large is dealing with such major issues as military interventions that will inevitably affect all our lives, we kept on going with such mundane matters, as the creation of electronic photography books, aside obviously that of maintaining the production of new portfolios and gallery exhibitions here in ZoneZero.


In the last 30 days we have published three major books, and now we have in the works ten more titles, and under consideration an even larger number. We expect to increase the scope of our catalog considerably, to bring you an ever-larger diversity of choices. An additional topic to consider is the fact that we are committed that our books all come out in two separate editions, one in English, and the other in Spanish. We have also concluded that our books need be published with the different size of monitors in mind, as that will affect the resolution required and thus the size of the book that needs to be downloaded. Therefore, you will have four options per title, two for language and two levels of resolution.


I have been asked if these books can be copied, and the answer is yes of course. But then, why would anyone want to do so just to save a few dollars, knowing that the income derived from paying will feed both the structure as well as the photographers who bring you the works in the first place. I can understand someone making an illegal reproduction of a music CD, that costs fifteen or twenty dollars, when in fact the musicians get to keep very little and the majority of the money goes into the hands of rich corporations. However, this is not our case. The reason we have priced the books at such a low level, is to discourage the temptation of making illegal reproductions while at the same time encouraging the needed support for those of us who make it possible for you to enjoy these books. Maybe the music industry could take a cue from our efforts; I know a lot of musicians who are doing precisely what we are doing.


José Luis BravoJose Luis Bravo our webmaster over these past four years, has decided to take some time off to go to Spain together with his wife, where they will both pursue post graduate studies in their respective areas of expertise. We will miss Jose Luis’ considerable contributions to always keep the site in good shape, and send them off with our best thoughts in mind, as they embark on their new adventure.

At this time, we wish to take this opportunity to introduce you to Benjamin Franco who has worked with us for some time and who will take over the responsibilities as our new Web Master. We are thus assured of a very smooth transition.

In January we will present you with some exciting new exhibitions and of course books.


We hope you visit us often over the holidays and peruse some of the previous exhibitions which you might have missed, there is a lot of very strong and exciting work which is waiting for your attention.Benjamin Franco


We want to conclude our editorial, wishing you the best for the Holidays and the coming New Year. Your constant feedback and letters of support along the entire year have been an important source of inspiration both for the entire staff and me, and for that we want to thank you.


As a token of our esteem, we want you to have our latest electronic photography book (12-12-12) for free. You can download it at the address below, and you can do so as of today up to the 31st of December, after that date it will revert to its normal sale. We hope that you enjoy it and will of course welcome your feedback.


Pedro Meyer

December, 2002



Photographic Electronics Books by ZoneZero Editions

(All the books are in PDF format)


12-12-1212 - 12 - 12

12 Photographers on the 12th Day of the 12th Month.


The work of twelve photographers on the “Day of Virgin of Guadalupe” and its celebrations in Mexico City is cointained in this book of 95 photographs distributed along 80 pages. The photos were taken on December 12th, 2002.





A Day with Her


This book of 155 photographs and 91 pages, contains the collective and unpublished work of 50 Mexican photographers, who gathered together to photograph the events of the “Day of Virgin of Guadalupe” on December 12th, 1992, all over Mexico City.




Long Live the Little Dead OnesLong Live the Little Dead Ones


This is the first electronic book published by ZoneZero Editions. This book of 70 pages contains 68 photographs of eight Mexican photographers about the “Day of the Dead” celebrations in Mexico City in November, 2002.






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