Peewee Morato | Images drawn from your article photography ...kosovo PDF
Written by Peewee Morato   


Date: Sun, May 9, 1999, 9:16 AM


speaking of images, the stark image that was formed in my mind when i read your article "photography and its trails out of kosovo" was no other than the halocaust. the plight of the jews, first through persecution which then escalated into their almost complete annihilation, left a mark on me. the feeling is indignation!!! this feeling comes from narrative accounts and from still photographs and from motion pictures depicting the terrible, terrible saga of a people singled out for death. reading through however gave me hope, because the thoughtful images i derived from reading your account, i could voice out and express through the internet. i live in the philippines and an uncle from australia sent me your article which moved me to forward it to my personal quick list. it is my way of not looking the other way amidts the terrible, terrible suffering of a people... a whole race... while others sat by doing nothing, or perhaps were completely oblivious to it. at least, let us all be aware.i am afraid this is happening all over again in kosovo. the internet somehow diminishes my feelings of powerlessness over circumstances that seem beyond me,living so far away. the trail of photographs left by some of the refugees to mark the path for an escape route for their loved ones left me with the image of "hanzel and Gretel", ofcourse. i'm sure this is the fairy-tale which could have inspired the desperate wife wanting to guide her husband to safety. fortunately, birds don't happen to eat paper, and so the refugees reached the albanian frontier merely following the paper trail.


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