Katya Van Autgaerden | Maybe, you can help me?! PDF
Written by Katya Van Autgaerden   


Date: Thu, Apr 22, 1999, 12:59 PM


Dear Sir,

First of all, I'd like to mention that your website is really a great resource for every human interested in photography: digital ortraditional! A masterpiece of information!


I studied photography and right now I'm working for a newspaper agency here in Belgium. I'm interested in photography ever since I was little. Actually, I used to take pictures since I was only five years old. Anyway, I'd like to ask you a question and I really hope you can help me out. A friend of mine wants to make a reportage, far away from home and he asked me to find out how it actually works (to send images from one computer to another) I know a little about image data transfer and I told him, that it's possible to send images with the use of a laptop, connected with a digital camera and modem. But can you tell me a little more about that specificaly or do you know where I can find more resources about this issue on the net (downloadeble tutorials, or so..) It would be great if you would give me some more information!


Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

Katya Van Autgaerden - Genk - Belgium



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