Roxanna Frias | A chicana in Paris PDF
Written by Roxanna Frias   


Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999, 9:20 AM


I've been reading your ideas with much interest . I am a chicana from los Angeles living and working in Paris, France for the past 12 years. I have been preparing over the last 5 years a documentary that is almost about what I have read on your pages. So pou understand why it has taken me so long to produce. My project, sin duda, is too vast, too comples, I must zero (huh, zone zero!) in on one story to tell a larger story. In any case the French are quite interested in my chicano stories. I have been producing tv & radio reports called "Ritmos Chicanos" here in France. What I have read in Zone Zero has re-inspired me to continue on..


Gracias, Merci, thanks



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