12 | 12 | 12 presentation by Elizabeth Romero
“Ientered the chapel. I kneeled in front of Virgin of Guadalupe and, immediately, mi heart became a bird of fire that wanted to come out and
fly towards her. Then, I began to cry as I had never done before, and she told me ‘Calm down, breathe, I am very proud of you, and happy with you’ and that is impressive”. Carlos Santana speaks, after visiting Autlán, Jalisco, his natal town, on December, 1999. He had already won a Billboard award and months later he would get several Grammy awards for the song “Corazón espinado”(Pricked Heart), as well as for his album Supernatural. Thanks to the musician’s fame, such a statement can be taken seriously and can be divulged worldwide. Some incredulous may doubt; some others can think that it is just an eccentricity of the rock star, but for many people this is a real experience. A believer talks to his god, kneels down, asks for something and offers something in exchange. He asks for health, for protection, for shelter, and he offers a prayer, an action, and a change of behavior. The believer thinks that, thanks to the kindness of his god and to the prayers offered to him, things change: the sick heals, the problem gets solved, the peace arrives.