I understand and I wish to continue [Emerging Sexualities] | June - July 2010 PDF
Written by ZoneZero   


Pedro Meyer

Over the past few years, sexuality has turned into something similar to a computer screen: emerging from discrete isolated cubicles to become an omnipresent window. The religious sphere has been affected by a slew of sex scandals that have not been restricted to the Catholic hierarchy and have affected all denominations to the same extent. In the SEC, a US government department dedicated to supervising financial organizations, it turns out that just as the crisis was imploding, its employees were spending far more effort and money on consuming pornography than on sorting out the institutions they were supposed to supervise and judging from the current state of affairs, this seems to be still the case


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Voyeur Bordello






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Taking the porn view
Author:The British Journal of Photography
Porn Stars in 3-D Lure Consumers to New Sony, Panasonic TVs
Author: Mariko Yasu and Maki Shiraki
Emiliano Ponz No Sex Please, We’re Middle Class
Author: Camille Paglia

Lost Extremes
Author: Miguel Angel Santos

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