Pedro Meyer's Editorial
Pedro Meyer's Editorial » Editorial
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Author:Pedro Meyer
I was watching a video on Youtube, presenting images by Henri Cartier-Bresson, and a running commentary by the acclaimed photographer himself.
In the video, he mentioned two things which I found quite interesting in the context of...
Author:Pedro Meyer
As Agent J whose identity was scratched out and re-booted in the 1997 Hollywood Blockbuster “Men in Black”, the men in this picture await for passengers whose identity, as far as they are...
Author:Pedro Meyer
As we welcome the year 2011, it seems we are almost in the world of tomorrow, and still so many things have a thread to how we have always been.
Of course we have the internet which wasn't in our lives just a few years ago, and...
Author:Pedro Meyer
Are too many people taking photographs?
I have been asked many times what I think about the fact that nowadays almost everyone takes pictures. The question of course, has a sort of hidden agenda. It suggest that photography has...
Author:Pedro Meyer
We're all aware that this issue of perception defines most of what happens in our lives. Both in love or in politics, we define our own roles according to perceptions such as that of the glass being half empty or half full. So it is not...
Author:Pedro Meyer
It has recently come to my attention, that the world is not looking so great. Well, that is after looking at all the news one gets 24/7 coming from all directions. Television, newspapers, magazines, websites, bloggers, twitter, etc. You name...
Author:Pedro Meyer
It seems that nowadays there are more cancelled prizes, declared as void, etcetera, than awarded. And it always revolves around the manipulation issue.
This time it goes like this:
Luis Valtueña's contest first prize revoked because of the...
Author:Pedro Meyer
World Press Photo has just disqualified Stepan Rudik from receiving the 3erd. prize story award in Sports Features.
Their argument goes that "after careful consultation with the jury, [it has]...
Author:Pedro Meyer
Dear friends,
"From the lightscreen" is our new statement, and it substitutes our previous one: "from analog to digital". We believe that the transition from analog to digital is now an accomplished objective.
Author:Pedro Meyer
I would venture to say that most photographers have a back problem. We apparently have not been designed to carry a heavy load of camera equipment dangling from our shoulders. When I was a lot younger than I am today, I thought nothing of...
Author:Pedro Meyer
I am sitting here, in front of my computer screen thinking about my editorial for this month. I think of a subject, and soon enough I cross that idea out, then think of another idea, and the same thing happens again, and so hours go by,...
Author:Pedro Meyer
Making a case for "photographic intelligence" is the purpose of this editorial. One of the clear changes in the digital era, is how intelligent photography has become.
Imagine, today our pictures are pregnant with every...
Author:Pedro Meyer
If there is one thing that is clear to me is that almost everything around me is changing faster than I can process. This was not always the case. Let see, all of a sudden the entire world seems to have jumped over a financial abyss....
Author:Pedro Meyer
Mexico City is a very quiet place today. All restaurants, bars, discos, nightclubs, bowling alleys and billiard halls are closed. No movie houses, galleries, museums, or cultural programs to visit. No sports events or religious...
Author:Pedro Meyer
This morning I read in the Mexican newspaper, Reforma that the Chinese government just announced the construction of a new automobile factory in Mexico. This is at a time that other car manufacturers, the world over, are falling apart....
Author:Pedro Meyer
The crisis is global. And it’s not only economic.
We talk about the many ills that afflict all countries, where the economic dimension is a very important one, but it’s by no means the only one. It would seem that the crisis...
Author:Pedro Meyer
A few days ago Nadia and I went to visit her gradfather who is 94 years old and lives with his new girlfriend, Blanca, in a retirement home for the elderly, near Mexico City. As we were leaving the home were they live with about another...
Author:Benjamin Mayer-Foulkes
Now I remember my first photo: a little black lamb that had been born from a white sheep. In 1947, I was walking in the valley in La Marquesa with my first camera, a Brownie. I set about watching a sheep that was in labor; and I...
Author:Rogelio Villarreal
Fifty years ago, when I was born, the world of the late 20th and early 21st centuries was unconceivable, even in the most far-fetched sci-fi movies. It is not the comfy fun world of The Jetsons nor the catastrophe depicted in Planet of...
Author:Fernando Castro
Recently I read an extremely negative critique of the exhibit "John Alexander: A Retrospective" at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. The vitriolic...
Author:Juan Villoro
A few months ago, I saw a Chinese film that started off with a journey by boat. To keep themselves entertained, some of the passengers were text...
Author:John Perivolaris
On the streets of cities in the United States and Europe we are witnessing a dramatic proliferation of surveillance cameras trained on citizens' every move through increasingly privatised public...
Author:Alasdair Foster
Economic, social and cultural paradigms continue to change with increasing speed. The shift in emphasis from the creation of real concrete products to a virtual world of images and ideas means that now in Australia (to give an example...
Author:Diego Goldberg
(and some other related matters)
This is, more or less, what we know:
A slow (?) but inevitable exodus towards electronic media is taking place. Even though the paper made of wood is...
Author:Julian Tait
The inevitable convergence of the photograph and video
For most photographers Cartier Bresson’s mantra, ‘the decisive moment’, is instilled into our photographic psyche at a very early stage....