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ZoneZero's Galleries. The galleries are displayed from newest to oldest.
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Rocinha, an Orphan's Town
André Cypriano
Rocinha is the largest “favela”, or shantytown in Brazil. It spreads from the top to the bottom of a mountain....
Small Dangers
Lori Nix
Lori Nix's photographs, saturated with color and infused with a dark sense of humor, turn the notion of the traditional...
Cultural Revolution
Tian Taiquan
During the ten-year Cultural Revolution, 1966 to 1968 is the particular period when the unbelievable violence among the different Red...
Chunsoo Kim
I have always been interested in the anonymous nature of online-communities. The title of this piece comes from a Korean...
The Blessed Ones
Tiago Santana
I was born in a very particular region in Brazil. The northeast. The Brazilian semiarid hinterland, the so-called sertão. This...
Cuba, campo adentro
Susan Bank
The “Campo Adentro” project began in March 2002 as an accident. What I intended to be a weekend retreat from...
Tribes of West Papua
Grenville Charles
“The seeing eye is an organ of tradition” -Frans Boas West Papua, formerly Irian Jaya is home to more...
The Adventures of Daniel and Santiago in the Quest of the Fiction's Ending
Daniel Santiago Salguero
The work that Daniel Santiago did on this occasion, The Adventures of Daniel and Santiago in Search of the End...
Marcos Camargo
This is a plain text, way to simple to define Marcos Camargo's work, which brings in the uncovered unsettling head...
Imagine Remembering
Johan Rosenmunthe
The pictures in this project are about personal and common impressions of growing up; the developing identity and sexuality as...
Feito poeira ao vento dust in the wind…
Dirceu Maues
The video ...feito poeira ao vento... ( dust in the wind...), was made from 991 pictures, originally captured from 38...
La Vida Brinca
Bill Wittliff
Over the past decade Bill Wittliff has replaced the lenses of some 100 cameras with simple pinholes, returning to photography’s...
The Art of Storytelling, I Photograph to Remember
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Jonathan Green "All photography is “instantly posthumous,” Susan Sontag once said. This aphorism seems to beat in...
Pedro Meyer’s Self-Portraits
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Vesta Mónica Herrerías Throughout his life, Pedro Meyer has been creating an album with images of himself....
Spectacles, A Small Step for Meyer . . .
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Gustavo Prado " . . . a giant leap for mankind,” continues the celebrated phrase from July...
Religious Imagery, Culminating Moments of Existence
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Elizabeth Ferrer Beyond the comfortable frontiers of portraits of friends and family,” as a young photographer at...
Latin America. Politics of the Image: Meyer and Latin America
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Alejandro Castellanos When Pedro Meyer left behind his industrial activities in 1974 to devote himself fulltime to...
The United States. The States of Pedro Meyer
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Fernando Castro "Pedro first got to know the United States more than fifty years ago. Since that...
Cuba Imagined. Marginal Notes on Cuban Photography
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Juan Antonio Molina The possibility of relating the work of the wellknown Mexican photographer Pedro Meyer, with...
Mexico 68. October 2, is not Forgotten!
Pedro Meyer
Curated by Rogelio Villarreal In the 1960s, young people in many parts of the world expressed their inconformity against...
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