Dan Biferie| Re: Chairs for Life? PDF
Written by Dan Biferie   


Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 19:21:45 -0500


Greetings Pedro,

What an excellent article. I will pass it along.

When you were in Daytona Beach last year, one of my colleagues, Eric Brietenbach, was a skeptic of the Internet. He felt that it was depersonalizing and created an environment that separated us from one another.


Guess what? He met his "future spouse" over the Internet at one of the singles' places. My colleague is like a school boy in love.


The net is marvelous for democratizing our ability to communicate. That is why places like ZoneZero knocks the socks off of major institutions (with unlimited budgets) on the net.


As I mentioned in an earlier correspondence, grad students at the University of Florida (and around the world, I am sure) look are inspired by your good efforts.


Keep up the good work,




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