Karin Wagner PDF
Written by Karin Wagner   


Date: Wed, Oct 13, 1999, 2:44 AM



I am a doctoral student at the department of art history at Göteborg universitet in Sweden. My thesis is going to deal with digital photography.

"The digital caleidoscope - revolution or tradition?" is the title. I'm going to examine what kind of pictures that are made by some nordic photographers who are using digital technigue, and also make interviews with them. Zonezero was the first site I discovered when I started looking for digital photography on the net, and I think it is the most comprehensive and valuable site I have found sofar. I browse the gallery every now and then, and I have also read some of the editorials. I appreciate the site very much, and I hope you will keep going, adding new stuff as well as keeping the archives.


I have two questions: I would like to buy the CD-ROMs of Pedro Meyer, but I don´t find them on amazone. Where can I buy them?


The other question is more diffuse, it's about a series of photography I saw on the web a year ago. It's about people working in the computer business, maybe programmers in Silicon valley. When you go forward, you get the next picture as usual, but when you go backwards, you get the last picture in negative, and another text. Does this description ring a bell? I can´t find it again, and I think the series might be interesting from the point of view of narration.



Karin Wagner



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