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Author:Shahidul Alam
  Third World activists are using global connections to pressure the powers that-be and even save lives. Bangladeshi photographer Shahidul Alam has little doubt about the subversive potential of the Internet in his country.      ...
Sunday, 09 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Max Kozloff
  To Readers (with an interest in the Humanities): From: Max Kozloff, New York   The following is a section from a "disappeared" book. "Disappeared", in this case, refers to a book that had come out but was shortly afterward disavowed and...
Saturday, 08 May 1999 | Read more
Author:John Derry
  I recently spoke with Pedro Meyer. We talked about the tools we make at Fractal and how people use them. Pedro expressed an interest in the design process that goes along with creating expressive tools like Painter. What follows are some of my...
Saturday, 08 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Francisco Mata Rosas
  In the context of new ways of producing, disseminating and reading photographic images, it is increasingly difficult to establish precise borders or frontiers among the types, techniques, interpretations, intentions or readings of photography....
Friday, 07 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Shahidul Alam
    The school was near the Kamlapur railway station.The children used to live by the rail lines, in huts made of bamboo, polyethylene, rags and cardboard. I had promised them cameras, and to teach them to take pictures. Go to...
Thursday, 06 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Shahidul Alam
  Perceptions of the developing world I was staying with friends in Newry in Northern Ireland. Paddy and Deborah had kindly made their five year old daughter1s room available for me. Corrina was friendly and curious and would spend a lot of...
Thursday, 06 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Diego Goldberg
    Since TV burst into our homes to stay, it has been competing and gaining territories from radio, magazines and newspapers. In the past these where the only intermediaries between the public and the world at large and information about...
Wednesday, 05 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Pedro Meyer
  October 13 - 17, 1995, Crested Butte, CO A narrative by Pedro Meyer   Photography is story telling through visual means. I use the camera to tell stories. I now use the computer to make the camera tell ever more interesting ideas, while...
Tuesday, 04 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Colin Jacobson
  "Magnum Photos which was founded by Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, George Rodger and others to set new photo-journalistic standards, has recently allowed several of its pictures to be used in advertisements. Colin Jacobson argues that this...
Tuesday, 04 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Photographys B.H. JIANG
  Heaven and Earth are without pity; To them the ten thousand things are but straw dogs. Lao Tse, sixth century B.C. (from Ten Thousand Things: all life forms)   I still don't know for certain how Mr. B.H. Jiang found me, or why he decided...
Monday, 03 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Dirck Halstead
    I was asked on the National Press Photographers’ list, what it was like to discover a picture from two years ago that turned out to be the "picture of the week".   There have been lots of rumors running through the photo...
Sunday, 02 May 1999 | Read more
Author: Pablo Cabado
      "One day Cartier-Bresson received a telephone call from the writer JL Borges, who wished to know whether he would be willing to accept a prize for which Borges wanted to nominate him. The prize was offered by a rich woman who...
Sunday, 02 May 1999 | Read more
Author:Fernando Castro R.
    Luis González Palma's work was first shown in Houston in 1992 as part of the Latin American exhibits of FotoFest. If one were to ask retrospectively what exactly it was that was so impressive about his work, an important answer would...
Saturday, 01 May 1999 | Read more
Author:a letter by Kenneth Neil Cukier
  Pedro, Thank you for the invitation to share this article with ZoneZero readers about my experience getting searched by UK customs for pornography. In a recent editorial, you spoke of scars and the photographers' responsibility: at once to the...
Saturday, 22 August 1998 | Read more
Author:Euridice Arratia
  A photo performance by Eurídice Arratia and Santiago Echeverry, Eurídice Arratia - design Ramón Lepage - still photography Evelyn Villegas - costume design Santiago Echeverry - programming     Go to exhibition  
Monday, 12 February 1996 | Read more

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