Letters from our readers

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401. Chuan
2.7/5 (97 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Date: 06/01/98 4:03 AM Received: 06/01/98 5:26 AM   hola: soy un apasionado de la fotografia y por eso me interesa vuestra revista informatica. Se agradece el hecho de que se puedan leer vuestros articulos en lengua hispana.   Tan solo...
Monday, 01 June 1998 | Read more
2.4/5 (101 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Jaime M. Garmendia
  Date: 05/29/98 8:03 AM Received: 05/29/98 8:08 AM   Estimados Seqores, Les agradaceria me incluyeran en su lista de correo, para seguir recibiendo noticias relacionadas a ZonaZero, al arte de la fotografia, y a los logros de los...
Friday, 29 May 1998 | Read more
2.6/5 (109 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Marcos A. Campos
  Date: 05/29/98 1:57 PM Received: 05/29/98 2:07 PM   Querido Pedro, consegui navegar em toda zonezero, muito legal. Acho oportuno discutir a fotografia digital. Estão todos com medo da manipulação da imagem, principalmente no...
Friday, 29 May 1998 | Read more
2.5/5 (106 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Alberto Gassol
  Date: 05/29/98 5:59 PM Received: 05/29/98 6:31 PM   Estimado Pedro; Gracias por la platica que nos diste en días pasados, se me hizo muy instructiva y motivante. Me dio mucho gusto poderte ver y saludar después de tantos años y, me...
Friday, 29 May 1998 | Read more
2.4/5 (103 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Patrick Joseph
ZoneZero URL: http://www.zonezero.com Category: Art Issue: 1296 Content Quality: Excellent Aesthetic Quality: Excellent TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent   Author: Patrick Joseph Author: Patrick Joseph The name is symbolic: 'Zone' in...
Friday, 29 May 1998 | Read more
2.4/5 (109 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Miguel Angel Romero Guerra
  Date: 05/25/98 12:24 AM Received: 05/24/98 11:37 PM   Me llamo Miguel Angel Romero Guerra, tengo 19 años y vivo en la Ciudad de México. Me interesa mucho el tema, mejor dicho, el arte de la fotografía y, !que mejor lugar para...
Monday, 25 May 1998 | Read more
2.5/5 (100 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:José Luis Meirás
  Date: 05/23/98 5:08 PM Received: 05/22/98 6:41 PM   Mi nombre es José Luis Meirás, vivo en Buenos Aires, soy artista plástico, serigrafista y diseñador gráfico y de páginas web, actualmente me encuentro trabajando en una...
Saturday, 23 May 1998 | Read more
2.3/5 (100 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Dr. Alberto Rodríguez-Robles
  Date: 05/22/98 8:14 AM Received: 05/22/98 8:07 AM I'll like to be in your mailing list.  
Friday, 22 May 1998
2.5/5 (116 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Henry de Souza Barbosa
  Date: 05/22/98 12:30 PM Received: 05/22/98 2:07 PM My name is Henry de Souza Barbosa, 20 years old, I'm brazilian and I don't speak English. I live in Salvador-Bahia and I thought your homepage fantastic!! Easy, beautiful and quikly!!! So,...
Friday, 22 May 1998 | Read more
2.5/5 (111 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Bernhard Sbick
  Date: 05/21/98 2:23 AM Received: 05/21/98 8:07 AM   I finally found a place- going to discovour your site- hope to get more infos about fotography and digital adaptaion/technics-  
Thursday, 21 May 1998
2.4/5 (105 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Etienne Delacrétaz
  Date: 05/20/98 4:24 AM Received: 05/20/98 8:07 AM   Bonjour, I would like to be register by you. My english is very bad, but I learn and I like it! I saw some very atractive picture-set in ZoneZero. I do photos for advertising since...
Wednesday, 20 May 1998 | Read more
2.5/5 (105 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Santiago Correa
  Date: 05/20/98 3:06 PM Received: 05/20/98 3:13 PM   Me llamo Santiago Correa soy de Argentina Soy fotografo y ademas doy clse en la Escuela de Fotografia Creativa de Andy Goldstein. Saluda atte: Santiago  
Wednesday, 20 May 1998 | Read more
2.4/5 (105 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Angel Luevano Ramirez
  Date: 05/19/98 11:12 PM Received: 05/19/98 11:37 PM   Espero me escriban o me manden mas información para ser parte de ustedes, me parece una página extraordinaria y me pasiona el fotomontaje en computadora, quisiera tip's pues voy...
Tuesday, 19 May 1998 | Read more
2.5/5 (103 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Kate & Geir Jordahl
  Date: 05/18/98 2:59 PM Received: 05/18/98 10:36 PM   Thanks you for a beautiful, inspiring web site! Put us on your mailing list!   PhotoCentral is a community program in Hayward, California. We have a gallery, darkrooms, workshops,...
Monday, 18 May 1998 | Read more
2.8/5 (117 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Alejandro Silva Arroyo
Date: 05/13/98 1:14 PM Received: 05/13/98 1:07 PM   Soy el Subdirector del Centro de Arte y Diseño, de la Universidad del Bajío. Dentro de nuestra escuela implementamos las licenciaturas en Diseño Gráfico, Industrial y Ambiental, por lo...
Wednesday, 13 May 1998 | Read more
2.4/5 (108 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Xavier Lluis
  Date: 05/12/98 3:53 AM Received: 05/12/98 8:07 AM   Me llamo Xavier Lluis y soy fotografo profesional.Desde hace unos años estoy basado en Montreal(Canada),trabajando como corresponsal para diferentes medios de comunicacion españoles y...
Tuesday, 12 May 1998 | Read more
2.3/5 (100 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Maria Elena Ramírez
  Date: 05/12/98 9:26 AM Received: 05/12/98 9:37 AM   El propósito de su proyecto me parece interesante.Mi profesión como périodista me permite estar en constante contacto con artistas y fotógrafos, debo confesar sin embargo que el...
Tuesday, 12 May 1998 | Read more
2.6/5 (108 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:David L. Harris
  Date: 05/10/98 9:22 AM Received: 05/10/98 9:37 AM   I just discovered your site. Looks great so far. Me gusta poder leer en dos idiomas. Necesito practicar mi espanol.   Lator gators....   CompuSolve Computer Consulting -...
Sunday, 10 May 1998 | Read more
2.6/5 (111 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Chris Plommer
  Date: 05/10 7:23 PM Received: 05/10 7:37 PM   Chris Plommer   I am a Communications Technology High School Teacher, specializing in Photography with my students. I found your website's to be a great resource for my students. Keep it...
Sunday, 10 May 1998 | Read more
2.6/5 (113 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Miguel Angel García Austria y Yazmin Perez
  Date: 05/08/98 5:02 AM Received: 05/09/98 9:52 AM   Mtro. Pedro:   He consultado la magnifica sección que usted dirige, y me parece que esta muy bien diseñada y que a todos los que sestamos interesados en el mundo de la...
Friday, 08 May 1998 | Read more
2.7/5 (124 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Douglas Voisin
  Date: 05/07/98 2:25 AM Received: 05/07/98 11:21 AM   Excellent web-page. It's good to finally find somebody on the web that has something to say and says it so eloquently. I was also interested in knowing if there was anychance to...
Thursday, 07 May 1998 | Read more
2.5/5 (121 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Hugo Vasiliev
  Date: 04/21 1:52 AM Received: 05/07 11:21 AM   Great site! realy! I am Graphic Designer, hobbyst photographer and videoart maker. Too i am illustrator and photo digital designer. And i love your work, too. :)   --------------->...
Thursday, 07 May 1998 | Read more
2.6/5 (121 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Alexandre Tahira
  Date: 05/04/98 6:56 PM Received: 05/04/98 8:24 PM   Hi !! My name is Alexandre Tahira, 22, I'm a brazilian amatour photographer. ZoneZero is great !! Very organized, wonderfull... Goods topics ( that editorial about digital is...
Monday, 04 May 1998 | Read more
2.4/5 (122 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Kevin W. Hollingshead
  Date: 05/03 11:30 PM Received: 05/04 10:34 AM   I am a photographer/designer that lives in San Francisco. I am very impressed with the variety of your texts and visuals. Also, your brave artists that promotes their work.   I am very...
Sunday, 03 May 1998 | Read more
2.5/5 (131 votes)
Editorial/Letters from our readers
Author:Hermilo E. Granados
  Date: 05/03/98 2:18 PM Received: 05/03/98 7:17 PM   Don Pedro Meyer... interesante. Ud. ha sido un pionero en el uso de la foto digital. Gracias por su sitio. Los comentarios del uso de la lengua inglesa VS español???? me reservo mi...
Sunday, 03 May 1998 | Read more

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