About Us PDF




escape to Pedro Meyer

ZoneZero ® is a site dedicated to image making & photography. Founded in 1995 by Pedro Meyer, ZoneZero ® has been both witness and active participant of the ongoing digital (r)evolution. ZoneZero ® first appeared online when the internet became a public resource, making it the oldest website dedicated to photography that is still standing and growing. We are proud to acknowledge that ZoneZero ® paved the way for thinking that viewing photography on a computer screen was a legitimate platform.

Its name originated from a metaphor for the coming-off-age transformation that photography underwent from analog to digital. The name references Ansel Adam's "Zone System", as a starting point in the analog tradition and the ones and zeros that have become the basic DNA for everything digital. There is also the notion that ZoneZero ® has been at the very center, the starting point if you will, from which photography has taken many different directions. To use the words of the French poet Louis Aragon, in his preface to Modern Mythology, "Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of conflict, in the zone where black and white clash." Hence ZoneZero ®.

To mark ZoneZero ®'s 15th Anniversary the site has undergone major reconstruction. Virtual communities have become mainstream, bigger in population, in some cases, to most countries in the world. Social, cultural, academic, and even financial activities have migrated to the internet. The journey from analog to digital is no longer mere speculation but a confirmed fact. Acknowledging this, our objectives at ZoneZero ® needed to be re-drawn.


We believe in two fundamental premises:

1. Image making will continue to be, and incresingly so, a central activity of our creative and cultural expressions.

2. Digital technology will also continue its incredibly rapid transformation, providing us with newer and presumably better tools to express and share our ideas.

ZoneZero ® aim is to offer a platform for intelligent photography. That is, photography that offers sensible, informed insight of what is happening in our world and that understands the relevance of technology in the creative process. We also aim to offer the necessary tools for dialogue and idea exchange regarding these matters, therefore offering fertile ground for an international community interested in viewing, thinking, creating, sharing and, discussing images.


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