Jan Arabas | Permission PDF
Escrito por Jan Arabas   
Translation available soon. / Traducción disponible próximamente.


Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 02:13:37 -0400


I am a Professor of Art and Graphic Design at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts, USA. I am developing a course on the history of visual images on the World Wide Web. One of my lectures features your Web site.


You may read my lecture at http://www.artoftheweb.org

Click on Week 6 and scroll down the page.


This course will be part of the University of Massachusetts eLearning Network, an online division of the state university system.


I would be very interested to get your reactions to my lecture. I would also like to request your permission to archive the pages of your Web site that I discuss in my lecture. The archived pages would be placed on a password protected server at my college and would only be available to registered students. Because this course is a history of the Web, I feel that it is important to preserve the pages that I discuss in my lecture. Your site is an important part of Web history and I very much hope that you will allow me to preserve a portion of it as I have described.


Please contact me with any questions that you may have at my email address.


Thank you

Jan Arabas


Professor of Art

Middlesex Community College


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