David Pringle PDF
Escrito por David Pringle   
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Date: 08/31/99 10:02 PM


Mr. Beardsley,

I am a student at the Center for Photographic Studies at the Daytona Beach Community College campus. Currently I am working on my 4th and last semester for graduation. I read your article on the "Zonezero" site and would like to thank you.

I have on several occasions come up with basic concepts that I would have liked to shoot, but have been worried about the "social norm" that I would be moving against. I have let other peoples' concerns influence or halt my work.

I feel that the human body, male or female, is the most beautiful creation on this planet. No two are alike. No two are of the same sensuality. Your article made me look at what I was fearing. It wasn't that I feared taking risky photographs... it was that I was afraid of people seeing into my own sensuality. I was afraid of breaking the "norm".

Thank you for allowing me to see that I was allowing society's fears to stop me from expressing myself.



David Pringle


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