Melanie Einzig | Hello PDF
Escrito por Melanie Einzig   
Translation available soon. / Traducción disponible próximamente.


Date: Sun, May 9, 1999, 8:16 AM


Hello Pedro!

Thank you for the link to the web page in Yugoslavia. This attack is so disturbing and confusing. Today's bombing of the Chinese embassy that we're being told is accidental is so upsetting.

Zonezero is looking great. A real democratic exchange of ideas which I am terribly hungry for at this time.

My work is changing. I broke free from AP for now and exploring other was to distribute pictures and make money to survive. I feel more free than when we first met by e-mail and I had to run away to Florida! Many art projects differen directions.

By the way, what do you think of Fullbright "exchange" programs?I just read an article that wrote about the use of programs in Mexico to expand on NAFTA's original goals of american business expansion.

Do you ever visit NYC?


Hope all is well--Melanie Einzig


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