Ricardo Trujillo PDF
Escrito por Ricardo Trujillo   
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Date: 11/20/98 5:05 PM

Received: 11/22/98 4:43 PM


what a truly incredible site you have created. we march here in san jose, califas, with our irish comrades,and others too, every may 5th & september 18th in memory of commandante Roberto Sands and the San Patricios who defended La Raza before the word or nationality Xicano was born. We seek to repay the sons and daughters of Ireland for their defense of our people. your site, and its intellectual current flows as raging a river I have ever seen. Pearse y Zapata y Villa y Connolly y Kahlo LO MISMO!


soy ricardo trujillo

ps mi hija emma is 6- like frieda, she too is russian, polish, mexicana y chicana y judea, I pray she will take her degree in Irlanda. she doesn't yet realize how many sisters and brothers she has there.


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