Zuhal Özel | Digital photography and redifining documentary photography PDF
Escrito por Zuhal Özel   
Translation available soon. / Traducción disponible próximamente.


Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 16:17:31 +0200


Dear Pedro MEYER,


I'm a research asistant in photography fields at Ege University, Faculty of Communication, Photography Department in I²zmir, Turkey.


I have been working on "Digital Photography" for a year as a doctoral student. The subject of my doctoral thesis is "Digital Photography and Redifining Documentary Photography".


When I was surfing in net, I found zonezero.com. I start to visit zonezero frequently. I interest in your works and opinions and like them very much. I visit some pages in your site, but editorial pages are very important for me. I read them with very big interest, but I didn't read all yet. I have been translating to Turkish some of them for citation in my doctorate thesis, for instance "Redifinig documentary photograpy", "La Realidad" in the year 2000.


I asked for "Truths&Fictions" from library of Bilkent Univesity where from I am waiting for your book and CD curiously.


I would like to keep going on my thesis with your suggestions in the future. Could it be possible to help me on this subject? How can I find any further knowledge in this subject? And, Do you know someone else working on digital photography or redifining documentary photograhy?


If you support me for this information I'll appreciate it.

Thanks in advance


Zuhal Özel

Ege University

Communication Faculty

Photography Department


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