Robert Cowdery PDF
Escrito por Robert Cowdery   
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Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 14:55:35 -0700


Robert Cowdery


Dear Pedro, I love your website and the works of art that are presented there. Thanks, Bob Cowdery.


Below is a copy of the email that I have just sent. Thank you Pedro for including Sr.Quintanar's works and his email address so that could email him, and thank him personally.


Dear Sr. Quintanar, I have just viewed all of your pictures on Pedro Meyer's website. Whow!!!


You are a great photographer. And you have presented your pictures in a very wonderful, unique and creative way. And your music and your pictures have suddenly reawakened in my heart my love for Mexico, the Mexican people, and their culture.


I have lived in Mexico a number of times with the monks at the Monestario Benedictino in Cuernavaca. Even though, I still cannot speak Español fluently, I have fallen in love with all that I have experienced in Mexico. Presently I am studying for a Masters Degree in Social work at Eastern Washington University.


But as I look at your pictures and I listen to your music on my G-3 Mac, my hearts longs to return to Mexico as soon as I can to live with the kinds of Mexicans that you have illustrated so beautifully.


Muchas Gracias Señor for your very beautiful and unique presentation.


Very Sincerely,

Robert Cowdery

Spokane, WA


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