Ajit Krishan Lal PDF
Escrito por Ajit Krishan Lal   
Translation available soon. / Traducción disponible próximamente.


Date: 3/25/98 11:58 AM

Received: 3/25/98 12:32 AM


Hi Zonezero. I am aklal from India. You are in Our Top Newspapers, HindustanTimes,March 25. Page 24. Sports and Entertainment. I surf for existence, photograph for survival, write for identity, live for art, think for life, (Not that I think therefore I am but that I am therefore live, write, photograph, surf, and MIND the world, or is it that World is the illusion of Mind, and thoughts are only stirrings or waves broadcasting my life co-ordinates as an eternal SOS.)


More deep hought next time. I would be happy to contribute to the happy family at zonezero. ( A good home page and good photograph which says it all about you. Before I forget, I am operating a system multimedia- costing less than $300.Your Downloading speed is the world's Fastest. I know about these things, I am also an engineer! So you have good content, technology, good people, and good audience...like me.


Congrats again,

Reply Soon.

I want a Zone zero in India, soon perhaps.


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